
A medicinal agent with a bitter taste and used as a tonic, alterative or appetizer.

Bitter taste stimulates flow of saliva and digestive juices, increasing appetite.

A basic taste response, usually harsh and acrid.

A tonic made with herbs or roots and usually blended with alcohol.

Stimulates secretions of saliva and digestive juices, increasing appetite.

A substance that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.

A tonic component that stimulates the appetite and promotes the secretion of  saliva and gastric juices by exciting the taste buds.

Stimulates gastric juices and liver function; improves nutrient absorption.

An agent that stimulates the flow of digestive, pituitary, liver, and duodenum secretions; clears heat; and aids digestion.

A bitter-tasting substance that stimulates the appetite by affecting the secretion of digestive juices.

A plethora of distilled spirits imbued in diverse cocktails and culinary blends are concocted from an assortment of ingredients ranging from acrid herbs, bitter orange zest, aromatic myrrh, quinine, juniper berries, and cloves, among other constituents. The potency of the elixir can rise to forty percent alcohol by volume, rendering it an intoxicating delight.




