Binge eating disorder

A condition characterized by eating unusually large amounts of food and, often, feeling guilty or secretive about it.

A proposed disorder (listed in dsm-iv-tr appendix b, “criteria sets and axes provided for further study”) characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating associated with subjective and behavioral indicators of impaired control over, and significant distress about, the binge eating and the absence of regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors (e.g., self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, fasting, excessive exercise) that are characteristic of bulimia nervosa.

Disorder that resembles bulimia and is characterized by episodes of uncontrolled eating (or binging). It differs from bulimia, however, because its sufferers do not purge their bodies of the excess food, via vomiting, laxative abuse, or diuretic abuse.

Binge eating disorder is recurrent episodes of eating characterized by eating, in a discrete period, an amount of food much larger than most people would eat in a similar period-and accompanied by a sense of lack of control or a feeling that one cannot stop.




