
Taking two years from seedling stage to maturity, seed-set and death.

Living 2 years only and blooming the second year.

Plant that completes its life cycle in 2 years, generally flowering in the second year.

Plant growing from seed and living for two years, with flowering and seed production usually occurring in the second year (e.g., Foxglove).

Taking two years or seasons to flower, fruit, and die.

A botanical term referring to a plant that takes two years to reach maturity.

Of two years’ existence, 1. e. growing from the seed one season and from the root the next, then bearing fruit and dying.

A plant that completes its life cycle in two years, growing vegetation in the first year and flowers and seeds in the second, then dying.

Taking two years or two growing seasons to reach maturity.

A plant living for two seasons, normally germinating in the first spring and that year only forming leaves; it flowers and fruits Beak in the second year, and then dies.

A plant which flowers and dies in its second year after germination, producing only roots and leaves in the first. Parsley is the best known example.

A plant that completes its life cycle in two years, normally not producing flowers during the first year.

A plant that produces flowers and fruit in its second season and then dies.

A plant that germinates and produces stems, roots and leaves in the first growing season; it flowers, sets seed and dies in the second growing season.

A plant which dies in its second year after germination; it may flower in both the first and second years, or in the second year only.

A plant that completes its life cycle within two years, developing in the first year and flowering and fruiting in the second.

A plant that completes its life cycle within two years, growing in the first year and flowering and fruiting in the second year.

A plant that requires two seasons to complete the growth cycle from germination of seed to flowering and death.




