Author: Glossary
Uterus bicornis
A uterus in which the fundus is divided into two parts.
Uterus arcuatus
A uterus with a depressed arched fundus.
An instrument for applying traction to the cervix uteri.
Concerning the uterus and rectum.
Plastic surgery of the uterus. Surgical restoration of the uterus.
Fixation of the uterus to the abdominal wall.
The formation of a passage between the uterine cervix and the bladder.
Uterine factor
Any abnormality of the uterus that produces infertility.
Utah elbow
A myoelectric prosthesis that uses an electrode and microprocessors to control both the elbow and the terminal device. The system is also designed to permit a natural elbow swing during walking.
A mold parasite of plants, commonly called smut, which renders grains unfit to eat.