Author: Glossary
Sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Resistant to the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Glass that is unusually transparent to ultraviolet rays.
Inflammation of the sclera in which the infection has spread from the uvea.
Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome
A rare complication of cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation in which patients experience brief episodes of visual loss affecting a single eye, typically months or years after cataract surgery.
Sympathetic uveitis
Severe, bilateral uveitis that starts as inflammation of the uveal tract of one eye resulting from a puncture wound. The injured eye is termed the “exciting eye.”
An evergreen perennial shrub, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (family Ericaceae) — commonly known as bearberry whose dried leaves are used as a urinary antiseptic and diuretic. There have been few clinical trials on its effectiveness.
Surgical reduction of the size of the uterus by excision of a longitudinal wedge-shaped section.
Utriculitis utricle
Inflammation of the utricle, that of either the vestibule or the prostate.
Utilization behavior
The compulsive or thoughtless use of any found object even though its use is not appropriate for the context in which it was found. Finding a toothbrush in a grocery store and automatically using it to brush one’s teeth in public is an example.