Author: Glossary

  • Sacrum

    The bone below the lumbar area of the spine that is made up of five fused sacral vertebrae. The base of the spine formed by the fusion of fine vertebrae and located above the coccyx. The large, triangular bone between the two hip bones at the back of the pelvis, formed by the fusion of…

  • Sacral plexus

    One of the four primary nerve branches along the spine; services the gluteal muscles, muscles forming the internal surface of the pelvis, and muscles that run between the femur and pelvis to stabilize the hip joint. A group of nerves inside the pelvis near the sacrum which lead to nerves in the buttocks, back of…

  • Rotation

    Rotation refers to movement around the long axis of the limb. The turning or movement of a body around its axis. The act of moving in a circle. Turning part of the body to the side, towards the midline. One of the basic movements of a joint; having a quality of turning around an axis.…

  • Risk management

    The process of measuring or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage that risk. The process of minimizing risk insurance to an organization at a minimal cost in keeping with the organization’s objectives. Risk management includes risk control and risk financing. Risk control involves: (1) developing systems to prevent accidents, injuries, and other adverse…

  • Risk factor assessment

    Determining the presence of, or risk for, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic disease by using information from a health history and industry standards and guidelines.  

  • Right ventricle

    A sending or pumping chamber that sends blood from the right atrium through the pulmonary artery to the capillaries at the alveoli in the lungs. The ventricle located on the right side of the heart. Lower chamber of the heart that receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it out to the lungs by…

  • Right atrium

    A receiving chamber of the heart where blood first arrives from the body. The atrium situated on the right side of the heart. Upper chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood from the entire body except the lungs.  

  • Rice


    Basic first aid for injuries. Rice stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. To force vegetables through a fine sieve or colander to break into small pieces. Immediate injury treatment: rest, ice, compress, elevate. Refers to rest, ice, compression, elevation, often used as a treatment for minor sprains and strains. An acronym for a recommended…

  • Rhythmical stretching

    Moving body parts through a full range of motion in a slow controlled manner.  

  • Rhythmic cue

    Transitional cue that expresses the musical counts used during movement. Tempo changes and complex counts are considered rhythm cues.