Author: Glossary

  • Tendon

    Strong fibrous connective tissue that connects the fascia of a muscle to bones or muscles to muscles. Band of dense fibrous tissue forming the termination of a muscle and attaching muscle to bone with a minimum of elasticity. A tendon is a tough, fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscle to bone. The strong, inelastic…

  • Tempo transition

    One of the three categories of transitions for deep-water exercise, this involves using a halftempo movement to create a smooth change from one move to another.  

  • Tempo

    The rate of speed at which the beats occur.  

  • Talk test

    A method used for measuring exercise intensity; one’s ability to talk during a workout can determine how hard the individual is working. A person is working above his or her maximum threshold if unable to speak while exercising. Talk test is used to adjust exercise intensity. You should be able to talk with a friend…

  • Tactile learner

    A person who learns primarily through the sense of touch.  

  • Tactile cue

    A cue that is received by touch, such as a hand placed on the target muscle group or moving the limb only to the point of contact with an object.  

  • Systole (systolic pressure)

    The blood pressure when the heart is contracting; specifically, the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle. The time at which ventricular contraction occurs is called systole.  

  • Synovial joint

    A fully movable joint in which a synovial cavity is present between the two articulating bones. A joint where the two bones are separated by a space filled with synovial fluid which nourishes and lubricates the surfaces of the bones. Freely movable joint; types of synovial joints are ball-and-socket joint, gliding joint, hinge joint, and…

  • Synergist

    Muscles that aid or assist in the action of the agonists but are not primarily responsible for the action; also referred to as guiding muscles. Muscle that combines with another and aids in its action. A drug that, when combined with another drug, produces effects greater than those when the drugs are taken separately, additive…

  • Swimmer’s ear

    Swimmer’s ear

    Caused by a bacterial infection resulting from failure to dry the ear adequately following swimming. Symptoms of this condition include itching, a greenish-colored discharge, pain when chewing, and a blocked feeling of the ear. A nonemergency condition that results from inflammation in the external ear canal created by the growth of infecting organisms, usually contracted…