Author: Glossary

  • Aggression


    Forceful physical, verbal, or symbolic action. May be appropriate and self-protective, including healthy self-assertiveness, or inappropriate as in hostile or destructive behavior. May also be directed toward the environment, toward another person or personality, or toward the self, as in depression. To attack. The state of feeling violently angry towards someone or something. Hostile behavior…

  • Ageism

    Systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against elderly people. It is distinguished from gerontophobia, a specific pathological fear of old people and aging. Prejudice and discrimination on the basis of age.  

  • Age-associated memory impairment (AAMI)

    The mild disturbance in memory function that occurs normally with aging. It is also called benign senescent forgetfulness.  

  • Aftercare

    Posthospitalization program of rehabilitation designed to reinforce the effects of therapy and to help the patient adjust to his or her environment and prevent relapse. Outpatient treatment of formerly institutionalized persons within their communities. The care of a person who has had an operation. Aftercare treatment involves changing dressings and helping people to look after…

  • Affect

    Behavior that expresses a subjectively experienced emotion. Affect is responsive to changing emotional states, whereas mood refers to a pervasive and sustained emotion. Common affects are euphoria, anger, and sadness. Some types of disturbance of affect are the following: a) Blunted: Severe reduction in the intensity of affective expression. b) Flat: Absence or near absence…

  • Adrenoleukodystrophy

    Formerly known as Schilder’s disease; a rare, X-linked recessive metabolic disorder occurring in boys, characterized by adrenal atrophy and widespread, diffuse cerebral demyelination. It produces DEMENTIA, corticospinal tract dysfunction, and cortical blindness. An inherited disorder of the adrenal glands in boys. Adrenoleukodystrophy is an inherited, serious, progressive neurological disorder effecting the adrenal gland and white…

  • Adolescence


      A chronological period of growth beginning with physical and emotional processes leading to sexual and psychological maturity at about age 12 and ending at a loosely defined time, when the individual achieves independence and social productivity (usually about age 20). This period is associated with rapid physical, psychological, and social changes. The time period…

  • Administrative psychiatry

    The branch of psychiatry that deals with the organization of mental health services in a program, a hospital, or another facility. Its focus is on management and leadership and concerns the interaction of administration, clinical care, and the attitudes, values, and belief systems of the organization. The branch of psychiatry that deals with the organization…

  • Adjustment disorder

    A mental disorder in which emotional or behavioral symptoms develop in response to an identifiable stressor. The symptoms, which may include anxiety, depressed mood, and disturbance of conduct (or a combination of these symptoms), are clinically significant in that the distress exceeds what would be expected under the circumstances, or significant impairment in social or occupational…

  • Adjunctive

    Term used to describe an agent or therapy added to or administered in conjunction with the primary treatment. Referring to a treatment modality that is not essential to the primary therapy regimen but provides additional support. Music therapy serves as an example of an adjunctive form of treatment.