Author: Glossary

  • Alcohol-related disorders

    A group of mental disorders that includes alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, alcohol intoxication, alcohol withdrawal, alcohol intoxication delirium, alcohol withdrawal delirium, alcohol-induced persisting dementia, alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder, alcohol-induced psychotic disder, alcohol-induced mood disorder, alcohol-induced anxiety disorder, alcohol-induced sleep disorder, and alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction. Heavy and prolonged consumption of alcohol is associated with a wide…

  • Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health administration (ADAMHA)

    An agency in the U.S. Department of health and human service that was replaced in 1992 by the substance abuse and mental health services administration. In reorganizing alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health administration into SAMHSA, the three alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health administration research institutes—the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, the…

  • Alcohol dependence (alcoholism)

    Alcohol dependence (alcoholism)

    Dependence on alcohol; also called alcoholism. Dependence on alcohol characterized by either tolerance to the agent or development of withdrawal phenomena on cessation of, or reduction in, intake. Other aspects of the syndrome are psychologic dependence and impairment in social or vocational functioning. Medical complications include memory loss and liver dysfunction. A physical and/or psychological…

  • Alcohol amnestic disorder (Korsakoff’s syndrome)

    A disease associated with chronic alcohol dependence (alcoholism) and resulting from a deficiency of vitamin B1. Patients sustain damage to part of the thalamus and cerebellum and have anterograde and retrograde amnesia, with an inability to retain new information. Other symptoms include inflammation of nerves, muttering delirium, insomnia, Illusions, and hallucinations. In alcohol amnestic disorder,…

  • Alateen

    A twelve-step program for teenaged children of alcoholic parents operating in some communities under the philosophical and organizational structure of alcoholics anonymous (AA). Alateen provides a setting in which the children may receive group support to achieve an understanding of their parents’ problems and to learn better methods of coping. A nonprofit organization that provides…

  • Alcoholics anonymous

    A twelve-step program for relatives of alcoholic persons operating in many communities under the philosophical and organizational structure of alcoholics anonymous (AA). A goal is to facilitate discussion and resolution of common problems. A twelve-step program for alcoholic persons who collectively assist other alcoholic persons through a structured fellowship of personal and group support. A…

  • AKT1 gene

    A recently studied susceptibility gene in schizophrenia. Family-based analyses have revealed a significant association of AKT1 with schizophrenia. This association has been replicated in Asian, European, and Iranian groups.  

  • Akineton

    An anticholinergic medication used as an adjuvant in the therapy of all forms of parkinsonism and to control extrapyramidal disorders due to neuroleptic drug therapy. The brand name for biperiden.  

  • Akinetic mutism

    A state of apparent alertness with following eye movements but no speech or voluntary motor responses. The condition of being immobile and silent while partially or fully awake. This may be caused by lesions of the frontal lobes of the brain or by hydrocephalus.  

  • Akinesia

    A state of motor inhibition or reduced voluntary motor movement in a person. The symptoms may occur in a patient taking a conventional antipsychotic medication. A lack of voluntary movement, as in Parkinson’s disease. Motionlessness; temporary paralysis; also called akinesis. A loss of normal muscular tonicity or responsiveness. In akinetic epilepsy there is a sudden…