Author: Glossary

  • Comtan

    Brand name for the Antiparkinsonian medication entagapone.  

  • Compulsive

    Refers to intensity or repetitiveness of behavior rather than to compulsive behavior strictly defined. Thus, “compulsive drinking” and “compulsive gambling” refer to cravings that may be intense and often repeated, but they are not viewed as compulsions. Restricted ability to express warm and tender emotions; preoccupation with rules, order, organization, efficiency, and detail; excessive devotion…

  • Compulsion

    Repetitive ritualistic behavior or thoughts, such as frequent hand washing, arranging objects according to a rigid formula, counting, or repeating words silently. The purpose of these behaviors or thoughts is to prevent or reduce distress or to prevent some dreaded event or situation. The person feels driven to perform such actions in response to an…

  • Complex

    A group of associated ideas having a common, strong emotional tone. These ideas are largely unconscious and significantly influence attitudes and associations. In psychology, the combination of emotionally toned attitudes, desires, or memories that are partially or totally repressed. (In psychiatry) a group of ideas which are based on the experience a person has had…

  • Competence

    Having the capacity to function effectively as an individual and an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs presented by individuals and their communities. In education, the ability to perform a skill or set of skills at a high level or levels determined to be necessary for basic job performance. The…

  • Compensation

    A defense mechanism, operating unconsciously, by which one attempts to make up or compensate for real or perceived deficiencies. Also a conscious process in which one strives to compensate for real or perceived defects of physique, performance skills, or psychological attributes. The two types frequently merge. Usually, a defense mechanism. Something which makes something else…

  • Comorbidity

    The simultaneous appearance of two or more illnesses, such as the co-occurrence of schizophrenia and substance abuse or of alcohol dependence and depression. The association may reflect a causal relation between one disorder and another or an underlying vulnerability to both disorders; however, the co-occurrence of the illnesses may be unrelated to any common etiology…

  • Community psychiatry

    That branch of psychiatry concerned with the provision and delivery of a coordinated program of mental health care to residents of a geographic area. These efforts include working with patients, their families, and agencies within the community. Goals are the prevention of mental illness as well as care and treatment for persons with mental disorders.…

  • Community mental health center (CMHC)

    A mental health service delivery system first authorized by the federal Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 to provide a comprehensive program of mental health care to catchment area residents. The CMHC is typically a community facility or a network of affiliated agencies that serves as a locus for the delivery of the various…

  • Stuttering

    Characterized by disturbance of the fluency and time patterning of speech symptoms may include repetitions of sounds or syllables, sound prolongations, interjections, or circumlocutions to avoid difficult words. Stammering. Stuttering is a speech fluency disorder characterized by disruption of the normal flow of speech with frequent repetitions or prolongations of speech sounds, syllables, or words,…