Author: Glossary

  • Confusion

    Disturbed orientation with respect to time, place, person, or situation. The state of being confused. State of mind in which one is unsure of the present time, place, or self-identity, causing bewilderment and inability to act decisively; it usually indicates organic mental disorder but may also occur in times of severe stress. Not being aware…

  • Confrontation

    A communication that deliberately pressures or invites another to self-examine some aspect of his or her behavior in which a discrepancy exists between self-reported and observed behavior. This technique is frequently used in the treatment of alcoholism and substance use disorders. The examination of two patients together, one with a disease and the other from…

  • Conflict

    A mental struggle that arises from the simultaneous operation of opposing impulses, drives, and external (environmental) or internal demands. Termed intrapsychic when the conflict is between forces within the personality and extrapsychic when it is between the self and the environment. The situation in which there is simultaneous instigation toward two or more incompatible responses.…

  • Confidentiality

    The ethical principle that a physician may not reveal any information disclosed in the course of medical attendance. A principle observed by lawyers, physicians, pastors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other professionals that the professional relationships and private relationships with their clients/patients are not divulged to anyone else. An obligation not to reveal professional information about a…

  • Confabulation

    The fabrication of false memories, perceptions, or beliefs about the self or the environment as a result of neurological or psychological dysfunction. It is difficult to distinguish confabulation from lies or delusions. The filling in of memory gaps with false and often irrelevant details. Fabrication of stories in response to questions about situations or events…

  • Conduct disorder

    A disruptive behavior disorder of childhood characterized by repetitive and persistent violation of the rights of others or of age-appropriate social norms or rules. symptoms may include bullying others, truancy or work absences, staying out at night despite parental prohibition before age 13 years, using alcohol or other substances before age 13, breaking into another’s…

  • Conditioning

    Establishing new behavior as a result of psychological modifications of responses to stimuli. A basic form of learning in which a given stimulus comes to be associated with another stimulus or with a response. Psychological term for any of several types of learning that lead to specific responses to particular stimuli. A type of learning…

  • Concussion

    An impairment of brain function caused by injury to the head. The speed and degree of recovery depend on the severity of the brain injury. symptoms may include headache, disorientation, paralysis, and unconsciousness. A brief loss of consciousness owing to a head injury; often followed by temporarily disturbed vision and loss of memory. A severe…

  • Concrete thinking

    Thinking characterized by a focus on present objects and immediate experience with an inability to use concepts or make and understand generalizations. Thinking characterized by immediate experience, rather than abstractions. It may occur as a primary, developmental defect, or it may develop secondary to organic brain disease or schizophrenia. Seen in persons who have never…

  • Concerta

    Brand name for the central nervous system (CNS) stimulant drug methylphenidate.