Author: Glossary

  • Erotic

    Consciously or unconsciously invested with sexual feeling; sensually related. Sexually stimulating. Relating to or arousing the feeling of sexual desire. Related to sexual desires; stirred or incited by sexual attraction; an individual driven by romantic or lustful feelings.  

  • Erogenous zone

    An area of the body particularly susceptible to erotic arousal when stimulated, especially the oral, anal, and genital areas. Sometimes called the erotogenic zone. Areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation. They include the genitals and surrounding areas. In males, the penis and the glans penis; in females, the clitoris and the…

  • Ergotamine

    An alkaloid (naturally occurring nitrogen-containing compounds) produced by ergot (a toxic fungus) that contains lysergic acid and is used in the prevention of migraines. A drug that causes narrowing of blood vessels and alleviates migraine, derived from the ergot fungus. Ergot alkaloid that causes constriction of blood vessels and contraction of uterine muscles and is…

  • Equetro

    Brand name (now discontinued) for the anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer drug carbamazepine.  

  • Equanil

    Brand name (now discontinued) for the nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic drug meprobamate. A minor tranquilizer.  

  • Epistemology

    The theory of knowledge; the study of the method and grounds of knowledge. That branch of philosophy that focuses on the nature of knowledge.  

  • Epinephrine

    One of the catecholamines secreted by the adrenal gland and by neurons of the sympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for many of the physical manifestations of fear and anxiety. Also known as adrenaline. A hormone from the adrenal gland that can increase the rate and pumping force of the heart, constrict some arterioles, and…

  • Temporal lobe epilepsy

    Also called complex partial seizures. Usually originating in the temporal lobes, temporal lobe epilepsy involves recurrent periodic disturbances of behavior, during which the patient carries out movements that are often repetitive and highly organized but semiautomatic in character. Also called complex partial seizures, or psychomotor epilepsy. An outdated term, now called complex partial seizures. It…

  • Minor epilepsy (petit mal)

    Nonconvulsive epileptic seizures or equivalents; may be limited to only momentary lapses of consciousness.  

  • Major epilepsy (grand mal)

    Gross convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness and vegetative control.