Author: Glossary

  • Expressive (communication)

    The process of producing and communicating a message. Contrast with receptive communication/language).  

  • Expressed emotions

    The feelings that a family shows toward one of their members; specifically, overinvolvement with and hostility and criticism toward a family member with schizophrenia. In regards to schizophrenia, the amount of hostility and criticism directed from other people to the patient, usually within a family.  

  • Exposure therapy

    A cognitive-behavioral (psycho) therapy (CBT) technique that involves gradually exposing an individual to situations that previously have been avoided because of Anxiety or panic. Most often used in treating phobias, such as fear of flying or heights and agoraphobia. Exposure therapy identifies the thoughts, emotions, and physiological arousal that accompany a fear-inducing stimulus and attempts…

  • Exposure hierarchy

    A master list of all the exposure exercises that an individual will perform to reduce his or her Anxiety or panic symptoms. These exercises are ordered from most to least difficult to do.  

  • Experiential therapy

    A generic term for a group of therapies that use controlled or released emotion or “spiritual” experiences and power of conscious cognition and responsibility as the primary vehicles for inner growth and self-actualization. Included are 1) emotional-release therapies that are usually short term and intense (encounter group therapy, gestalt therapy, primal scream therapy) and may…

  • Experiential group

    A group whose main purpose is concerned with sharing whatever happens in a spontaneous fashion.  

  • Existential psychotherapy

    A type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the person’s inherent capacities to become healthy and fully functioning. It concentrates on the present, on achieving consciousness of life as being partially under one’s control, on accepting responsibility for decisions, and on learning to tolerate anxiety. An unusual type of psychotherapy that stresses the importance of impromptu interactions…

  • Existential psychiatry (existentialism)

    A school of psychiatry that evolved from traditional psychoanalytic thought. It stresses the way in which a person experiences the phenomenological world and takes responsibility for existence. Philosophically, it is holistic and self-deterministic in contrast to biological or culturally deterministic points of view. A view of humans that emphasizes a person’s responsibility for self and…

  • Exhibitionism

    Pleasure in attracting attention to oneself. One of the paraphilias, characterized by marked distress over, or acting on, urges to expose one’s genitals to an unsuspecting stranger. Exposure of one’s genitals to a person of the opposite sex in socially unacceptable situations. More common in males than in females. A sexual variance in which the…

  • Exelon

    Brand name for the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drug rivastigmine.