Author: Glossary

  • Horizontal split

    In self psychology, a process by which unwanted qualities of the self are warded off by placing them outside of consciousness, while the desirable qualities of the self remain conscious. The primary defense associated with horizontal split is repression. Contrast with vertical split.  

  • Homovanillic acid (HVA)

    A principal metabolite of dopamine, a catecholamine found in the brain and other organs. A product of normal metabolism; elevated urine levels may indicate various tumors of the adrenal gland. A catecholamine that is a metabolite of dopamine. It is found in excessive quantities in patients with neuroendocrine tumors, such as pheochromocytoma or neuroblastoma.  …

  • Homosexual panic

    An acute and severe attack of anxiety based on unconscious conflicts involving gender identity. In Freudian psychiatry, fear, anxiety, aggression, or psychosis that originates in conflicts that arise from an attraction to members of one’s own gender.  

  • Homosexuality

    A primary erotic attraction to others of the same sex. Overt homosexual behavior may be inhibited, delayed, or otherwise modified because of family or peer pressure, social bias, or intrapsychic conflict caused by the internalization of social prejudice. A preferential erotic attraction for members of the same sex. Sexual attraction to people of the same sex…

  • Homophobia

    The fear of homosexual persons.  

  • Homicidal ideation

    The presence of homicidal thoughts or plans. To have thoughts, ideas, or plans to commit murder or serious bodily harm to another person as a symptom of a psychiatric disorder or delirium.  

  • Holism

    An approach to the study of the individual in totality rather than as an aggregate of separate physiological, psychological, and social characteristics. The theory that all of a person’s physical, mental and social conditions should be considered in the treatment of his or her illness. The philosophy based on the belief that, in nature, entities…

  • Holding environment

    As conceptualized by D. W. Winnicott (1896–1971), a responsive, nurturing milieu for the developing child, including physical holding as well as the mother’s or primary caregiver’s preoccupation with the child and her ability to soothe, comfort, and reduce the tension in her infant. Ideally, the mother reflects back the child’s worth and value and in…

  • HIV meningitis

    An acute aseptic meningitis that occurs soon after infection with the virus. Symptoms, which are usually mild and selflimited, include headache, fever, painful sensitivity to light, and cranial neuropathy. The symptoms typically disappear in 1–4 weeks. Cryptococcal meningitis is a more serious form of meningitis that occurs in HIV-infected persons as a result of infection…

  • HIV dementia

    Also referred to as aids dementia complex (ADC). A rapidly progressive subcortical dementia characterized by 1) cognitive deficits such as inattentiveness, impaired concentration and problem solving, forgetfulness, and impaired reading; 2) motor abnormalities such as tremors, slurred speech, ataxia, and generalized hyperreflexia; and 3) behavioral changes such as sluggishness and social withdrawal. Computed tomography (CT)…