Author: Glossary

  • Hypnagogic

    Referring to the semiconscious state immediately preceding sleep; may include hallucinations that are of no pathological significance. Hypnagogia refers to the phase that bridges wakefulness and sleep. During this stage, vivid mental images, known as hypnagogic images, can occur right before falling asleep. In some cases, such as in the sleep disorder narcolepsy, these hypnagogic…

  • Hypesthesia

    Diminished sensitivity to tactile stimuli. Decreased sensitivity, especially to touch, hyperesthesia. Lessened sensitivity to touch. A lessened sensibility to touch; variant of hypoesthesia.  

  • Hyperventilation


    Over-breathing sometimes associated with anxiety and marked by reduction of blood carbon dioxide, producing complaints of light-headedness, faintness, tingling of the extremities, palpitations, and respiratory distress. Increased pulmonary ventilation, especially ventilation that exceeds metabolic requirements; carbon dioxide is blown off, leading to a decrease in its partial pressure in arterial blood. Excessive rapid and deep…

  • Hyperthyroidism


    Excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which may be associated with dementia, generalized anxiety disorder, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, and insomnia. Overactivity of the thyroid gland with increased secretion of thyroid hormones, which can result in a variety of characteristic signs and symptoms, including hypertension (usually systolic), prominent eyes, thyroid enlargement, excess sweating, weight loss,…

  • Hypertensive crisis

    A sudden and sometimes fatal rise in blood pressure; may occur as a result of combining monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIS) with food containing high amounts of trymine (e.g., certain cheeses, fava beans, red wine) or with other sympathomimetic substances (e.g., cough remedies, nose drops). Any severe elevation in blood pressure (usually a diastolic pressure greater…

  • Hypersomnia


    A dyssomnia consisting of prolonged or daytime sleep episodes occurring almost daily. The hypersomnia is called primary if it is not related to another mental disorder, substance induced, or due to a general medical condition. Excessive amount of sleep, sometimes with confusion on waking. Sleep lasting for exceptionally long periods, as occurs in some cases…

  • Hypersexuality

    A disturbance of sexuality characterized by excessive sexual activity; known as nymphomania in women and satyriasis in men. Hypersexuality has been described as a behavior-addictive disorder, a compulsive disorder, and an atypical impulse-control disorder. Hypersexuality can also occur in conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, head injury, and klüver-bucy syndrome.  

  • Hyperreflexia

    Overactive or overresponsive reflexes, such as the ankle jerk or the knee jerk, suggestive of upper motor neuron disease and lessening or loss of control ordinarily exerted by higher brain centers of lower neural pathways (disinhibition). Exaggeration of reflexes.  

  • Hyperprolactinemia

    A pituitary disorder characterized by excessive amounts of the hormone prolactin. It is most commonly caused by a pituitary prolactin-secreting tumor or by certain psychotropic medications, such as conventional antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol [haldol]). Galactorrhea, amenorrhea (failure to menstruate), and decreased libido in women and gynecomastia (breast enlargement) and decreased sexual drive in men are common…

  • Hyperarousal


    A state of increased psychological and physiological tension marked by such effects as anxiety, exaggeration of the startle response, insomnia, reduced pain tolerance, fatigue, and exacerbation of inherent personality traits. Excessive responsiveness to sensory stimulation. It is found in alcohol withdrawal, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other conditions. A state or situation characterized by both physical…