Author: Glossary

  • Hypothalamus

    A complex brain structure composed of many nuclei with various functions. It is the head ganglion of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and is involved in the control of heat regulation; heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration; sexual activity; water, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism; digestion, appetite, and body weight; wakefulness; fight-or-flight response; and rage. The…

  • Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis)

    A complex set of interactions between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal or suprarenal glands. The HPA axis is involved in the regulation of temperature, digestion, immune response, mood, sexuality, and energy usage. The HPA axis is also involved in anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. A primary system…

  • Hyponatremia

    A decrease in the serum sodium concentration below the normal range, usually resulting from retention of water by the kidneys. Carbamazepine, an anticonvulsant medication used as a mood stabilizer, may induce hyponatremia, particularly in older patients. Lower than normal concentration of sodium in the blood. Hyponatremia is a below normal concentration of sodium in the blood.…

  • Hypomimia


    A reduced degree of facial expression, caused by motor impairment, as seen in parkinson’s disease. A reduction in the expressiveness of the face, as occurs in patients with Parkinson’s disease. It is marked by diminished animation and movement of the facial muscles.  

  • Hypomanic episode

    Characteristics are the same as in a manic episode but not so severe as to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization, even though the mood change is clearly different from the subject’s usual nondepressed mood and is observable to others.  

  • Hypomania

    A psychopathological state and abnormality of mood falling somewhere between normal positive mood and mania. It is characterized by unrealistic optimism, pressure of speech and activity, and a decreased need for sleep. Some people show increased creativity during hypomanic states, whereas others show poor judgment, irritability, and irascibility. A mild form of manic excitement manifested…

  • Hypochondriasis

    One of the somatoform disorders, characterized by persisting worry about health or fear of having some disease despite appropriate medical reassurance and lack of findings on physical or laboratory examination. A chronic maladaptive style of relating to the environment through preoccupation with shifting somatic concerns and symptoms, fear or conviction that one has a serious…

  • Hypnosis

    A state of decreased general awareness with heightened attention to a constricted or localized area of stimulation, such as repetitive suggestions by another person (the hypnotist) involving consciousness, memory, anesthesia, or paralysis. The state usually is associated with the feeling that the subject is behaving nonvolitionally even though aware of what the behavior is. Factors…

  • Hypnopompic

    Referring to the state immediately preceding awakening; may include hallucinations that are of no pathological significance. To dreams or visual images persisting after sleep and before complete awakening.  

  • Hypnophobia


    The fear of sleep.