Author: Glossary

  • Kinesics

    The study of body posture, movement, and facial expressions. Systematic study of the body and the use of its static and dynamic position as a means of communication.  

  • Kindling

    Progressively increasing response of the brain to successive electrical stimuli. In bipolar disorder, it is important to prevent the onset of mania because with each manic episode, there is a tendency for the period until the next episode to become shorter. In this regard, it is believed that the manic episode “kindles” the brain by…

  • Ketamine

    An NMDA receptor antagonist developed in 1963 as an anesthetic to replace phencyclindine (PCP). Although still used as an anesthetic, primarily in veterinary medicine, ketamine has become a street drug, also know as “cat valium,” “Kit-Kat,” “K,” “Vitamin K,” and “Special K.” Snorted or swallowed, ketamine can cause dreamlike states and hallucinations. A dissociative anesthetic.…

  • Keraunophobia


    The fear of thunder.  

  • Kemadrin

    Former brand name for the discontinued anticholinergic drug procyclidine.  

  • Kakorrhaphiophobia

    The fear of failure.  

  • Judgment

    Mental act of comparing choices between a given set of values in order to select a course of action. In law, a decision of the court, often involving the payment of damages. The use of available evidence or facts to formulate a rational opinion or to make socially acceptable choices or decisions. Judgment may be…

  • Jiryan

    A culture-specific syndrome.  

  • Jinjinia bemar

    A culture-specific syndrome.  

  • Isolated sleep paralysis

    A state of consciousness experienced either while waking up or while falling asleep, characterized by feeling unable to move for several seconds or minutes. The individual who experiences this state is fully aware of the condition and has complete recall of the episode. Vivid and terrifying hallucinations often accompany this state of consciousness, and a…