Author: Glossary

  • Restoril

    Brand name for the benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic drug temazepam. A commercial preparation of temazepam.  

  • Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

    A sleep disorder that does not meet criteria for a specific dyssomnia, characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs accompanied by an uncomfortable crawling, creeping sensation. RLS is common in end-stage renal disease patients, during pregnancy, and in individuals with parkinson’s disease or irondeficiency anemia. Also known as wittmaack-ekbom syndrome. Painful discomfort in…

  • Respondent conditioning (classical/Pavlovian conditioning)

    Elicitation of a response by a stimulus that normally does not elicit that response. The response is one that is mediated primarily by the autonomic nervous system (ans) (such as salivation or a change in heart rate). A previously neutral stimulus is repeatedly presented just before an unconditioned stimulus that normally elicits that response. When…

  • Residual

    A term describing the phase of an illness that occurs after remission of the florid symptoms or the full syndrome. The remaining symptoms are called residua. Remaining, which is left behind. Relating to substances or elements that cannot be expelled or discharged, such as the remaining air in the lungs or the leftover urine in…

  • Resident

    A physician who is in board-approved graduate training to qualify as a specialist in a particular field of medicine, such as psychiatry. The American board of psychiatry and neurology (ABPN) requires 4 years of postgraduate training (after medical school) in an approved program to qualify to take the board examination in psychiatry. Someone who lives…

  • Reserpine

    An alkaloid (of Rauwolfia serpentina) used to treat hypertension and formerly used to treat psychosis and other psychiatric disorders. A major tranquilizer. A drug that has catecholamine-depleting activity with respect to the adrenal chromaffin cells. A drug extracted from rauwolfia and used to lower high blood pressure and, occasionally, to relieve anxiety. It is administered…

  • Requip

    Brand name for the antiparkinsonian drug ropinirole.  

  • Repression

    A defense mechanism, operating unconsciously, that banishes unacceptable ideas, fantasies, affects, or impulses from consciousness or that keeps out of consciousness what has never been conscious. The repressed material may sometimes emerge in disguised form. Often confused with the conscious mechanism of suppression. The prevention of synthesis of certain enzymes when their reaction products are…

  • Repetitive self-mutilation

    An impulse-control disorder defined as repeated destruction of body tissue without suicidal intent. Examples include severe scratching, skin cutting or burning, and self-hitting.  

  • Repetition compulsion

    In psychoanalytic theory, the impulse to reenact earlier emotional experiences. Considered by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) to be more fundamental than the pleasure principle. According to Jones, “The blind impulse to repeat earlier experiences and situations quite irrespective of any advantage that doing so might bring from a pleasure-pain point of view.” A Freudian concept pertaining…