Author: Glossary
Rhus dermatitis
Type of contact dermatitis resulting from contact with plants of the genus Rhus, including poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Treatment is with calamine.
Surgical procedure in which an incision is made along one side of the nose to drain accumulated pus.
Narrowing of the passage in the nasal cavity. Obstruction of the nasal passages.
Any disease or malformation of the nose.
Point at the end of the suture between the two nasal bones.
Rheumatic aortitis
Inflammation of the aorta, occurring in rheumatic fever.
Reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Drug that blocks viral replication by interfering with the reverse transcriptase enzyme in retroviruses, preventing synthesis of DNA from RNA; used in therapy of AIDS and HIV infection. An agent that prevents the action of the viral enzyme, reverse transcriptase, so disrupting the virus’s colonization of its target host. The reverse transcriptase inhibitor zidovudine is…
Retrograde memory
Ability to recall recent events but not older knowledge previously familiar. Ability to recall events of recent occurrence but not the ability to recall knowledge that was previously retained.
Retrograde amnesia
Loss of memory for events immediately preceding an injury, illness, or emotional trauma. Lack of the ability to recall events before the onset of the amnesia. Amnesia for events that occurred before a specific precipitant (e.g. a drug overdose, surgical operation, stroke, or trauma). The incapability to recall events that occurred before an accident that…
Reticular protein
Connective tissue protein that forms a mesh or netlike structure.