Author: Glossary
A jagged distortion in a digitally generated visual image, such as an image produced during image reconstruction in magnetic resonance imaging or Doppler ultrasonography. An example of aliasing is the wrap-around artifact seen on magnetic resonance images when a portion of the body extends beyond the imaged field of view.
An instrument for measuring the degree of sensitivity to pain.
Sexual satisfaction derived by experiencing pain or by inflicting pain on others.
Causing painful contraction of muscles, particularly pain during peristalsis.
Alginate slime
A polysaccharide film that coats the bacterial surface of colonies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. It prevents phagocytic cells from ingesting the bacteria.
A substance that kills algae.
Blue green algae
Cyanobacteria; photosynthetic organisms in the kingdom Monera. Blooms may impart a disagreeable taste to freshwater and may cause the death of fish.
Optic alexia
Inability to understand what is written or printed.
Musical alexia
Inability to read music. It may be sensory, optic, or visual, but not motor.
Motor alexia
Inability to read aloud while remaining able to understand what is written or printed.