Author: Glossary
An individual with congenitally absent arms and legs.
The formation of dental enamel by ameloblasts.
Formation of dental enamel by ameloblasts.
Ameba like movements.
Amebic carrier state
State in which an individual harbors a form of pathogenic ameba but has no clinical signs of the disease.
Hepatic amebiasis
Infection of the liver by Entamoeba histolytica, resulting in hepatitis and abscess formation; usually a sequel to amebic dysentery.
Ambulatory surgery center
An outpatient surgical center used for cardioversions, endoscopies, and other relatively minor operations that do not require prolonged confinement in a hospital.
To walk or move about freely.
Incus or anvil bone of the middle ear.
Amboceptor unit
The smallest quantity of anti-red blood cell (anti-RBC) antibody needed to hemolyze in an excess of complement.