Author: Glossary
Stone in a distended crypt of a tonsil.
An individual with congenital absence of the spinal cord.
Not possessing a myelin sheath.
Congenital absence of the spinal cord. Inborn abnormal development of the spinal cord.
Congenital absence of the brain and spinal cord.
Morbid fear of being scratched; fear of the claws of any animal.
Amussat’s operation
A surgical procedure formerly used in order to form an artificial anus.
Sensory amusia
Music deafness; inability to appreciate musical sounds.
Motor amusia
Inability to produce musical sounds.
Amsterdam criteria
A means of screening family members for evidence of a hereditary predisposition to colorectal cancer. Persons in families with nonpolyposis colorectal cancer are screened for evidence of other malignancies of the skin, endometrium, and stomach. Those who meet the Amsterdam criteria should be closely followed, e.g., with regular colonoscopies.