Author: Glossary
Anal wink
Contraction of the anal sphincter in response to pinprick stimulus of the perineum. This reflex is evidence of normal motor function at S4— S5. It is also known as the anal or anocutaneous reflex.
Estrogen analog
A compound that mimics the effects of estrogens.
Anal intraepithelial neoplasia
A precancerous change in the squamous cells of the anus that may eventually develop into anorectal cancer.
Paretic analgesia
Complete analgesia of an upper limb in conjunction with partial paralysis.
Infiltration analgesia
Anesthesia produced in a local area by injecting an anesthetic agent into the nerve endings.
Epidural analgesia
A pain management technique in which narcotics are infused into the peridural space through an indwelling catheter. Administration may be at a continuous basal infusion rate or self-administered within programmed limits.
Continuous caudal analgesia
Analgesia to reduce the pain of childbirth. The anesthetic is injected continuously into the epidural space at the sacral hiatus.
Analgesia algera
Spontaneous pain with loss of sensibility in a part.
Anal dynamic graciloplasty
The construction of a “new” anal sphincter to treat severe intractable fecal incontinence. The gracilis muscle tendon is detached at its insertion, mobilized, and reattached by wrapping it around the sphincter. Some patients can be trained to make the sphincter functional. If necessary a sustained contraction can be stimulated by implanted electrodes, closing the anus.…
A congenital anomaly in which twins are separated above and below but joined at the trunk.