Author: Glossary
Ureteroureteral anastomosis
Anastomosis between two parts of the same ureter.
Terminoterminal anastomosis
Anastomosis between the peripheral end of an artery and the central end of the corresponding vein and between the distal end of the artery and the terminal end of the vein.
Side-to-side anastomosis
Anastomosis between two structures lying or positioned beside each other.
Precapillary anastomosis
Anastomosis between small arteries just before they become capillaries.
Portal systemic anastomosis
Any of the venous connections between the portal circulation and the main systemic circulation. These veins provide alternative routes by which venous blood normally shunted through the liver can reach the inferior vena cave and then the heart. Veins in the portal circulation have no valves; thus blood can travel backwards in the portal system…
Magnetic ring anastomosis
A surgical instrument that holds two segments of resected bowel together with progressively increasing magnetic force. It is used to help restore bowel continuity in patients who have had colonic resection. It consists of two cobalt magnetic circles embedded in polyester and applied to the bowel so that the submucosal layers of the resected bowel…
Isoperistaltic anastomosis
Anastomosis between two parts of the intestine such that the peristaltic flow in both parts is in the same direction.
Homocladic anastomosis
Anastomosis between branches of the same artery.
Heterocladic anastomosis
Anastomosis between branches of different arteries.
Galen’s anastomosis
Anastomosis between the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves.