Author: Glossary
Cardiac angiogram
An angiogram of the coronary arteries, as well as the cardiac ventricles and valves.
Aortic angiogram
An angiogram of the aorta; used in diagnosing aneurysms or tumors that contact and deform the aorta.
A tumor consisting of vascular and glial cells.
A tumor consisting of vascular and fibrous tissue.
A tumor consisting of endothelial cells, commonly occurring as single or multiple tumors of bone.
Hereditary angioedema
A rare autosomal dominant disease marked by episodic bouts of subcutaneous and submucosal edema, especially of the gastrointestinal tract or the upper airways. It is caused by the hereditary lack of a protein (Cl INH) that inactivates complement or by the malfunction of this protein. Physical trauma or psychological stress may precipitate attacks. The symptoms…
Inflammation of the gallbladder and bile vessels.
Inflammation of the heart and large blood vessels. Inflammation affecting the heart and the larger blood vessels connected to it.
Disease of the blood vessels of the heart.
The earliest tissue arising from the mesenchymal cells of the embryo, from which blood vessels develop.