Author: Glossary
Angiomas venosum racemosum
Swelling associated with severe varicosities of superficial veins.
Telangiectatic angiomas
Angioma composed of abnormally dilated blood vessels.
Stellate angiomas
Skin lesion in which numerous telangiectatic vessels radiate from a central point; commonly associated with fiver disease, hypertension, or pregnancy.
Serpiginous angiomas
A skin disorder marked by the appearance of small red vascular dots arranged in rings; due to proliferation of capillaries.
Angioma cavernosum
Congenital hemangioma appearing as an elevated dark red benign tumor, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. It may pulsate. It commonly involves the subcutaneous or submucous tissue and consists of blood-filled vascular spaces. Small ones may disappear without therapy.
Capillary angioma
Congenital, superficial hemangioma appearing as an irregularly shaped, red discoloration of otherwise normal skin; due to overgrowth of capillaries.
Obliteration of blood vessels, as in the umbilical cord when it is tied just after birth.
A calcified deposit in the wall of a blood vessel.
A tumor consisting of vascular and fatty cells.
Angioid streaks
Dark, wavy, anastomosing striae lying beneath retinal vessels. A dark streak seen in the retina that represents a defect in Bruch’s membrane. It is often an age-related phenomenon but sometimes is seen in connective tissue diseases, like pseudoxanthoma elasticum, or hemoglobinopathies, such as sickle cell anemia. Gray, orange, or red undulating and interconnected lines observed…