Author: Glossary
Antigliadin antibody
An antibody formed against the gluten in wheat, found in the serum of people with celiac sprue.
Antiganglioside antibody
An antibody formed against the chemical components of nerves, found in the serum of people with Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Antiendomysial antibody
An antibody that cross-reacts with smooth muscle collagen and the gluten in wheat, found in the serum of people with celiac sprue and some related autoimmune diseases.
Antibiotic-impregnated polymethacrylate beads
Vehicles for delivering high concentration antibiotic therapy to a specific area. The antibiotic-impregnated beads are implanted in open wounds with loss of tissue substance, such as open fractures.
Narrow-spectrum antibiotic
An antibiotic that is specifically effective against a limited group of microorganisms.
Bacteriostatic antibiotic
An antibiotic that inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Bactericidal antibiotic
An antibiotic that kills microorganisms.
An antibody that acts against an antitoxin, which is an antibody that binds with and destroys a bacterial toxin.
A medicine used to prevent or treat amebiasis.
A medicine, such as aspirin, that prevents platelets from forming blood clots.