Author: Glossary
Appropriate for gestational age
Born with a normal height, weight, head circumference, and body mass index; being neither abnormally large nor abnormally small at birth. Because pregnancies sometimes end before 38 weeks or after 42 weeks, the judgment of what is the appropriate size for a newborn infant is adjusted to reflect the number of weeks that the mother…
Apprehension test
A test of chronic joint instability. If this is present, the patient displays concern or discomfort when a joint is put in a position of risk for dislocation. There is an obvious facial display of discomfort; the patient may try to resist the maneuver by muscle contraction.
Applied ethics
The use of moral principles and reasoning to solve problems that arise in practical fields, such as health care, law, or management.
Application service provider
A company that offers individuals or enterprises access over the Internet to applications and services that would otherwise have to be located on their own computers.
Apple sorter’s disease
Contact dermatitis caused by chemicals used in washing apples.
Apple picker’s disease
Bronchitis resulting from a fungicide used on apples.
A device for measuring intraocular pressure.
Abnormal flattening, especially of the corneal surface.
Apperceptive personality test
A test used to assess attitudes, moods, and perceptions. The person tested examines a series of images and is asked to construct a story about each of them.
Appendix vermiformis
A worm-shaped process projecting from the blind end of the cecum and lined with a continuation of the mucous membrane of the cecum.