Author: Glossary
A fluke with two suckers, an oral and a ventral sucker, or acetabulum.
To the distal and labial surface of a tooth.
To the distal and gingival walls of a cavity being prepared for restoration.
A condition in which the lower teeth meet the upper teeth behind the normal position.
To the distal and buccal walls of bicuspid and molar teeth; also pert, to the distal or buccal walls of a cavity preparation.
Distinct part
Any section of a nursing home specifically designated for the care of Medicare or Medicaid patients. The admissions, discharges, census, expenses, provisioning, and staffing of the distinct part are accounted for separately from the rest of the institution.
Fractional distillation
Separation of liquids based on the difference in their boiling points.
Dry distillation
Distillation of solids without added liquids.
Destructive distillation
The process of decomposing complex organic compounds by heat in the absence of air and condensing the vapor of the liquid products.
To vaporize by heat and condense and collect the volatilized products.