Author: Glossary

  • Potassium-sparing diuretic

    An agent that stimulates the kidneys to excrete water and sodium while retaining potassium. Drugs from this therapeutic class are used to treat hypertension, fluid retention in cirrhosis, and congestive heart failure.  

  • Postpartum diuresis

    Excessive fluid excretion after childbirth, typically more than 3 L/day.  

  • Risk for disuse syndrome

    A state in which an individual is at risk for deterioration of body systems as the result of prescribed or unavoidable musculoskeletal inactivity.  

  • Disulfate

    A compound containing two sulfate radicals.  

  • Disturbance

    Interruption of the normal sequence of continuity.  

  • Districhiasis

    A condition in which two hairs grow from the same hair follicle.  

  • Moral distress

    Response to the inability to carry out one’s chosen ethical/moral decision/action.  

  • Distraught

    In doubt, deeply troubled, and having conflicting thoughts.  

  • Distraction therapy

    The use of pleasing sensory stimuli (such as aromas, images of nature, massage, or music) to divert the attention of a patient from an unpleasant clinical experience. Distraction therapy can reduce the pain experienced by patients during, e.g., reduction of fractures, placement of catheters, or wound debridement.  

  • Disto-occlusal

    Concerning the distal and occlusal surfaces of a tooth or the distal and occlusal walls of a cavity preparation.