Author: Glossary
Diverticulum of the jejunum
A diverticulum usually marked by severe pain in the upper abdomen, followed occasionally by a massive hemorrhage from the intestine.
Gastric diverticulum
A pulsion-type diverticulum usually on the lesser curvature of the esophagogastric junction.
False diverticulum
A diverticulum without a muscular coat in the wall or pouch. This type of diverticulum is acquired.
Diverticulum of the duodenum
A diverticulum commonly located near the entrance of the common bile or pancreatic duct.
Diverticulum of the colon
An outpouching of the walls of a canal or organ.
Chronic diverticulitis
Diverticulitis marked by worsening constipation, mucus in the stools, and intermittent left lower quadrant abdominal pains. The walls of the bowels may thicken, which may produce stricture formation and chronic intestinal obstruction.
Acute diverticulitis
Diverticulitis in which the symptoms are similar to those of appendicitis but usually located in the left rather than the right lower quadrant of the abdomen: inflammation of the peritoneum, formation of an abscess, and in untreated patients, intestinal gangrene accompanied by perforation.
Deficient diversional activity
The state in which an individual experiences a decreased stimulation from or interest or engagement in recreational or leisure activities (because of internal/extemal factors that may or may not be beyond the individual’s control).
In hospital management, the routing of patients away from one facility to others, usually because the first institution is inaccessible, overcrowded, or understaffed.
In a molecule, having an electric charge of two.