Author: Glossary
Dorsal reduction
Surgery to decrease the size or prominence of the bridge of the nose.
Dorsal hump
An enlargement or lump on the nasal bridge. In rhinoplasty a rasp is used to reduce it.
Dorsal cord stimulation
The relief of pain with electric stimulation of the posterior spinal cord.
Pancreatic dornase
Dornase prepared from beef pancreas, used to loosen thick pulmonary secretions.
Dornase alfa
An enzyme that lessens the viscosity of sputum by cleaving DNA deposited in it. It is used to treat patients with cystic fibrosis, who have exceptionally thick pulmonary secretions that are hard to expectorated.
Short for deoxyribonuclease.
Dorendorf’s sign
A filling or fullness of the supraclavicular groove in an aneurysm of the aortic arch.
Doppler velocimetry
The use of Doppler ultrasound to determine the speed of blood flow through arteries and veins. During pregnancy, for example, Doppler ultrasonography can determine whether blood flow rates are adequate in the uterine artery, placenta, and umbilical cord vessels.
Blood doping
The illicit technique of increasing one’s hematocrit prior to athletic competition either by surreptitiously injecting erythropoietin or by autologous transfusion.
A slang term used to describe almost any drug of abuse.