Author: Glossary

  • Douglas line

    A crescent-shaped line at the lower limit of the posterior sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle. It is sometimes indistinct.  

  • Perineal douche

    A spray projected upward from a bidet, placed just above the floor; the patient sits on the seat and receives the douche on the perineum.  

  • Neutral douche

    A douche given at the average surface temperature of the body (i.e., 90° to 97°F [32.2° to 36.1°C]).  

  • Nasal douche

    An injection of fluid into the nostril with fluid escaping through the nasopharynx out of the mouth. The patient should keep the mouth open and the glottis closed to prevent fluid from entering the throat and bronchus, and should not blow his or her nose during the treatment. The force of the douche, must be…

  • Medicated douche

    A douche containing a medicinal substance for the treatment of local conditions.  

  • Jet douche

    A douche applied to the body in a solid stream form the douche hose.  

  • Deodorizing douche

    An over-the-counter feminine hygiene product. Routine use of such products is unnecessary and may be harmful because it may alter the normal vaginal flora and increase susceptibility to infections.  

  • Cleansing douche

    An external or perineal douche for cleansing genitalia following defecation or after operations such as hemorrhoidectomy, curettage, rectal surgery, circumcision, or perineorrhaphy. A mild antiseptic or disinfectant solution, 98° to 104°F (36.7° to 40°C), is poured or sprayed over the parts, followed by gentle drying and inspection for cleanliness.  

  • Circular douche

    A fine spray or application of water to the body through horizontal needle-sized jets. Several small rows of sprays project the water from four directions simultaneously.  

  • Astringent douche

    A douche containing substances such as alum or zinc sulfate for shrinking the mucous membrane.