Author: Glossary

  • Capillary drain

    A drawing off by capillary attraction.  

  • Draught

    A dose of liquid medicine intended to be taken all at once,  

  • Dracunculus medinensis

    The scientific name for the guinea worm, a human parasite found especially in Sudan, Ghana, and other African nations. The guinea worm causes infection when its larvae are drunk in unfiltered or unsanitary water. The larvae enter the body through the stomach or duodenum, migrate through internal organs, and become adults. After mating, the adult…

  • Dracotoxin

    A 105-kilodalton protein isolated from the glands of the weever fish, a common bottom-dwelling poisonous fish. The protein destroys blood cells and is damaging to nerves.  

  • Down syndrome

    The clinical consequences of having three copies of chromosome 21. The condition is marked by mild to moderate mental retardation and physical characteristics that include a sloping forehead, low-set ears with small canals, and short broad hands with a single palmar crease (“simian” crease). Cardiac valvular disease and a tendency to develop Alzheimer-like changes in…

  • Downregulate

    To inhibit or suppress the normal response of an organ or system (e.g., the immune system or the central nervous system).  

  • Downcode

    To assign a lower billing code than usual to a patient visit.  

  • Down

    Lanugo, the fine hairs of the skin of the newborn.  

  • Dowager’s hump

    Cervical lordosis with dorsal kyphosis due to slow loss of bone (i.e., osteoporosis). This may occur at any age but is seen most commonly in elderly women.  

  • Doula

    A woman trained to provide emotional support, guidance, and comfort measures during childbirth.