Author: Glossary

  • Sublingual duct

    Any of the secretory ducts of the sublingual gland.  

  • Striated duct

    One of a class of ducts contained within the lobules of glands, especially salivary glands, that contain radially appearing striations within the cells, denoting the presence of mitochondria.  

  • Spermatic duct

    The secretory duct of the testicle that later joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to become the ejaculatory duct.  

  • Prostatic duct

    One of about 20 ducts that discharge prostatic secretion into the urethra.  

  • Papillary duct

    Any of the large ducts formed by the uniting of the collecting tubules of the kidney; it empties into the renal pelvis.  

  • Interlobular duct

    A duct passing between lobules within a gland (e.g., one of the ducts carrying bile).  

  • Intercalated duct

    One of several short, narrow ducts that lie between the secretory ducts and the terminal alveoli in the parotid and submandibular glands and in the pancreas.  

  • Excretory duct

    Any duct that conveys a waste product from an organ, such as the collecting duct of the renal tubule.  

  • Biliary duct

    A canal that carries bile. The intrahepatic ducts include the bile canaliculi and interlobular ducts; the extrahepatic ducts include the hepatic, cystic, and common bile ducts. Also called bile duct.  

  • Accessory pancreatic duct

    A duct of the pancreas leading into the pancreatic duct or the duodenum near the mouth of the common bile duct.