Author: Glossary

  • Durham rule

    A legal standard that limits the culpability of those with psychological or neurological diseases who have committed criminal acts. It states that an unlawful act is not a criminal act if it was committed by someone mentally ill, e.g., psychotic at the time, or was committed by someone with profound neurological disease, e.g., with severe…

  • Durematoma

    Accumulation of blood between the arachnoid and the dura.  

  • Duraplasty

    Plastic repair of the dura mater.  

  • Dupp

    In cardiac auscultation, the expression for the second heart sound heard over the apex. This sound is shorter and of higher pitch than lubb, the first heart sound.  

  • Duplicitas

    A fetal abnormality in which an organ or a part is doubled or apparently doubled.  

  • Duodenotomy

    An incision into the duodenum.  

  • Duodenoscopy

    Inspection of the duodenum with an endoscope.  

  • Duodenojejunostomy

    Surgical creation of a passage between the duodenum and the jejunum. A surgical procedure that connects the duodenum to the jejunum, the second section of the small intestine.  

  • Duodenoileostomy

    Surgical formation of a passage between the duodenum and the ileum when the jejunum has been surgically excised.  

  • Hypotonic duodenography

    Radiographic examination of the duodenum after medication has been administered to halt the peristaltic action of the gastrointestinal tract.