Author: Glossary

  • Dysesthesia pedis

    Severe itching and burning of the plantar surface of the feet and toes. This may occur as a result of athlete’s foot or as a reaction to heparin therapy.  

  • Auditory dysesthesia

    Abnormal discomfort from loud noises.  

  • Viral dysentery

    Dysentery caused by a virus, especially rotaviruses, Norwalk-like viruses, coronaviruses, and enteric adenoviruses.  

  • Malignant dysentery

    A form of dysentery in which symptoms are very pronounced and dehydration occurs rapidly, usually terminating fatally.  

  • Dysembryoplasia

    Fetal malformation occurring during growth of the embryo.  

  • Dyseidesia

    Difficulty in reading caused by an inability to recognize printed words.  

  • Dyscontrol syndrome

    A condition marked by sudden outbursts of violence or rage, associated with abnormal electrical discharges in the amygdaloid nuclear complex of the brain.  

  • Dyscompetence

    Poor professional performance in a limited number of crucial or expected skills.  

  • Dyschronism

    A disturbed sense of time especially that occurring after transportation from one time zone to another that is 5 to 10 hr ahead or behind. This leads to disturbances of sleep/wake cycles.  

  • Nail dyschromia

    Discoloration of fingernails and toenails. Pigmented bands in the nails may be related to Addison’s disease, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, pregnancy, use of minocycline, radiotherapy, cytotoxic drugs, antimalarials, and zidovudine therapy in AIDS patients.