Author: Glossary

  • Alcoholic dyspepsia

    Dyspepsia caused by excessive use of alcoholic beverages.  

  • Acid dyspepsia

    Dyspepsia due to excessive acidity of the stomach or reflux of acid into the esophagus.  

  • Maxillofacial dysostosis

    Hypoplasia of the maxillae and nasal bones resulting in a flattened face, elongated nose, and small maxillary arch with crowding or malocclusion of teeth.  

  • Craniocerebral dysostosis

    A hereditary disease marked by ocular hypertelorism, exophthalmos, strabismus, widening of the skull, high forehead, beaked nose, and hypoplasia of the maxilla.  

  • Dysontogenesis

    Defective development of an organism, especially of an embryo.  

  • Dysnomia

    An aphasia in which the patient forgets words or has difficulty finding words for written or oral expression.  

  • Dysmyotonia

    Muscle atony; abnormal muscle tonicity.  

  • Dysmotility

    Any abnormality of smooth muscle function in the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroparesis, gastric atony, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, or biliary dyskinesia.  

  • Dysmetropsia

    Inability to visualize correctly the size and shape of things.  

  • Secondary dysmenorrhea

    Painful menses that manifest some years after menarche. The diagnosis is strongly suggested by a history or finding of use of an intrauterine device, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, uterine leiomyomas, adenomyosis, fertility problems related to imperforate hymen, cervical stenosis, ovarian cysts, or pronounced uterine retroflexion and/or retroversion.