Author: Glossary

  • Effective radiating area

    The area of a therapeutic ultrasound head that produces useful ultrasonic energy, measured in square centimeters (cm2). The effective radiating area is calculated by identifying all points where the ultrasonic energy is at least 5% of the maximum measured intensity at the transducer’s surface.  

  • Eduction

    Emergence from a particular state or condition (e.g., coming out of the effects of general anesthesia).  

  • Educator

    A person who demonstrates, instructs, leads, or teaches clients, families, patients, or students.  

  • Educational audiologist

    An audiologist who works in a school and who screens pupils for evidence of hearing loss that may affect their ability to learn.  

  • Innovation in nursing education

    Organized efforts to promote the education of new nursing students, including those that improve the recruiting of new students, improve the quality of nursing scholarship and didactics, and train nurse leaders for the future.  

  • E-nursing education

    Nursing education aided or wholly provided via online resources, texts, clips, and discussion groups, among other Web-based technologies.  

  • Distance education

    The dissemination of knowledge between teachers and students who are separated in space, time, or both.  

  • Edrophonium test

    The use of edrophonium chloride to test for the presence of myasthenia gravis. The appropriate dose is injected intravenously; if there is no effect, a larger dose is given within 45 sec. A positive test demonstrates brief improvement in strength unaccompanied by lingual fasciculation. The test may also be used to determine an overdose of…

  • Editosome

    An intracellular protein complex that processes RNA, altering it from its original form into its final, mature form.  

  • Incisal edge

    The sharpened edge of a tooth produced by occlusal wear; the labiolingual margin.