Author: Glossary

  • Raw egg

    An egg in its fresh, uncooked state, especially one intended for food. Human consumption of raw or inadequately cooked eggs has caused Salmonella infections. To kill Salmonella organisms, if present, eggs should be boiled for 7 min, fried for 3 min per side, or poached for 5 min. It is unsafe to use sauces or…

  • Effort-independent test

    A test whose accuracy or success does not depend on patient compliance.  

  • Efflux

    Outward flow, i.e., the movement of chemicals or other fluids from within a structure, such as a cell, to the outside.  

  • Effluvium

    A malodorous outflow of vapor or gas, particularly one that is toxic.  

  • Efflorescent

    Becoming powdery or dry from loss of water in crystallization.  

  • Abdominal effleurage

    Light stroking with the fingertips in a circular pattern from the symphysis pubis to the iliac crests, a Lamaze technique for coping with uterine contractions during the first stage of labor.  

  • Effervescence

    Formation of gas bubbles that rise to the surface of a fluid. The bubbling phenomenon arises when gas is released from a liquid.  

  • Effervesce

    To boil or form bubbles on the surface of a liquid.  

  • Effemination

    The production of female physical characteristics in a male.  

  • Effeminate

    To a male who has the appearance or mannerisms traditionally considered feminine.