Author: Glossary

  • Electron boost

    An adjunct to external beam radiation therapy in which small focused fields of radiation are applied to a tumor in an attempt to destroy it. Electron boost radiation is used to treat some breast cancers.  

  • Electromyographical technician

    A technician who assists the neurologist in recording and analyzing bioelectric potentials that originate in muscle tissue. This includes the operation of various electronic devices, maintenance of electronic equipment, assisting with patient care during testing, and record keeping.  

  • Electromotive

    To the passage of electricity in a current or motion produced by it.  

  • Electromassage

    Massage combined with electrical treatment.  

  • Electromagnetism

    Magnetism produced by an electric current. The field of physics that explores the interplay between electricity and magnetism.  

  • Electromagnetic spectrum

    The complete range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Name given to all of the forms of energy (or radiation) that exist. The complete spectrum of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, spanning from the shortest cosmic rays to the longest radio waves.  

  • Electromagnetic field

    All forms of energy emanating from an electrical source. Included are the fields produced by light, radio, x-rays, and gamma rays. The higher the frequency of the fields produced, the more energy is contained. Thus, the radiated energy from the 60-cycle frequency of an ordinary household electric line is quite small. The long-range effects of…

  • Electromagnet

    A magnet consisting of a length of insulated wire wound around a soft iron core. When an electrical current flows through the wire, a magnet is produced. A wire wrapped in a spiral around a core made of soft iron. The core becomes highly magnetized when electric current passes through the wire and loses its…

  • Electrolytic conduction

    The passage of a direct current between metallic electrodes immersed in an ionized solution. In metals, the electric charges are carried by the electrons of inappreciable mass. In solutions, the electric charges are carried by electrolytic ions, each having a mass several thousand times as great as the electron. The positive ions move to the…

  • Indirect measurement of electrolytes

    Measurement of serum ions, such as sodium, chloride, and potassium, using a sample diluted before analysis. The method is prone to physiological error in patients with hyperlipidemia, myeloma, and other disturbances of plasma water concentration.