Author: Glossary

  • Gel electrophoresis

    The separation of whole or fragmented molecules, such as nucleic acids, through an electrically charged gel. The smaller the molecule, the faster its migration through the gel.  

  • Electrophobia

    Irrational fear of electricity.  

  • Electropathology

    Determination of the electrical reaction of muscles and nerves as a means of diagnosis.  

  • Electro-oculogram

    Recording of the electric currents produced by eye movements.  

  • Electronystagmography

    A method of recording the electrical activity of the extraocular muscles. A technique for quantifying the electrical output derived from ocular motions. Electrodes are positioned on the dermis encircling the eye, and the individual is exposed to diverse stimuli to enable the evaluation of ocular motion proficiency.  

  • Electronics

    The science of all systems involving the use of electrical devices used for communication, information processing, and control. Relating to electronic devices or to circuits and systems that employ electronic devices, which encompass electron tubes, transistors, and other components capable of performing functions similar to electron tubes.  

  • Electroneurodiagnostic technologist

    A health care professional with special training in the use of diagnostic studies that monitor brain function, including electroencephalograms, evoked potentials, and polysomnograms.  

  • Electronegative

    The relative attraction of a nucleus for electrons. Using the periodic table, the most electronegative atom is fluorine (upper right), with decreasing electronegativity as one traverses the table down or to the left.  

  • Electron-dens

    In electron microscopy, having a density that prevents penetration by electrons.  

  • Electron cryomicroscopy

    Electron microscopic imaging of rapidly frozen molecules and crystals in solution.