Author: Glossary

  • Eleventh cranial nerve

    The motor nerve, made up of a cranial and a spinal part, that supplies the trapezius and sternomastoid muscles and the pharynx. The accessory portion joins the vagus to supply motor fibers to the pharynx, larynx, and heart. A motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles.  

  • Periosteal elevator

    A surgical instrument for separating the periosteum from the bone.  

  • Tactile elevation

    A small raised area of the palm and sole that contains a cluster of nerve endings.  

  • S-T segment elevation

    The height of the ST segment of an electrocardiogram relative to a level line that can be drawn between the preceding P-R interval and the subsequent T-P interval. S-T segment elevation in two or more contiguous leads of the electrocardiogram is one of the diagnostic criteria for acute myocardial infarction.  

  • Eleutherococcus senticosus

    The scientific name for Russian ginseng, also known as Siberian ginseng.  

  • Scrotal elephantiasis

    Swelling of the scrotum, usually as a result of infection of the pelvic lymphatics by filaria.  

  • Eleosaccharum

    A mixture of powdered sugar with a volatile oil. It is used in compounding a variety of herbal remedies and other pills.  

  • Elemental

    To diets that are easy to digest or predigested; rudimentary or simple.  

  • Eleidin

    A translucent protein present in the stratum lucidum of the epidermis of the palms and soles.  

  • Electrovaporization

    Cutting of tissues with an instrument that uses electricity to convert solid tissues into gas.