Author: Glossary

  • Empirical therapy

    Use of antibiotics to treat an infection before the specific causative organism has been identified with laboratory tests.  

  • Pulmonary interstitial emphysema

    The presence of air in the connective tissues of the lung; seen, e.g., in neonates treated with high-pressure mechanical ventilation. This condition can cause insufficient oxygenation and cystic lung damage.  

  • Interlobular emphysema

    The presence of air between the lobes of the lung.  

  • Emperor of pruritus

    The intense itching that accompanies poison ivy dermatitis involving the anal area.  

  • Emperipolesis

    The presence of cells of one type within the cytoplasm of cells of another lineage. One example of emperipolesis is erythrophagocytosis.  

  • Indirect emmenagogue

    An agent that alters menstrual function as a side effect of the treatment of another illness.  

  • Direct emmenagogue

    An agent, such as a hormone, that induces menstruation by a direct effect on the reproductive tract.  

  • Emissivity

    The ability of a substance or surface to emit radiant energy.  

  • Thermionic emission

    The process by which electrons are released from an x-ray filament after a current has been passed through it. When the filament is heated, it undergoes a process known as electron emission, wherein electrons are expelled from its surface. The quantity of electrons emitted from the filament is contingent upon the chosen milliamperage.  

  • Emiocytosis

    The process of movement of intracellular material to the outside. Granules join the cell membrane, which ruptures to allow the substance to be free in the intercellular fluid.