Author: Glossary

  • Herpetic encephalitis

    Encephalitis caused by infection of the brain with herpes simplex virus- 1 (or, less often, herpes simplex virus-2). This relatively common form of encephalitis typically involves the inferior surfaces of the temporal lobes and may cause hemorrhagic necrosis of brain tissue. It is fatal in at least one third of all cases. Acyclovir (or one…

  • Hemorrhagic encephalitis

    Herpes encephalitis in which there is hemorrhage along with brain inflammation.  

  • Eastern equine encephalitis

    Encephalitis caused by the eastern equine arbovirus, which is transmitted from horses to humans by mosquitoes; the incubation period is 1 to 2 weeks. Although this is the least common of the arboviruses, mortality is approx, 25%, and those who survive often have neurological problems. In the U.S. it occurs on the East Coast, Gulf…

  • Encatarrhaphy

    Insertion of an organ or tissue into a part where it is not normally found.  

  • Encapsulated delusion

    An isolated mistaken but unshakable belief in something for which there is neither evidence nor common acceptance, occurring in the absence of other signs or symptoms of psychiatric illness.  

  • Enantiomorph

    One of a pair of isomers, each of which is a mirror image of the other. They may be identical in chemical characteristics, but in solution one rotates a beam of polarized light in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. Isomers are called dextro if they rotate fight to the right, and…

  • Enantiobiosis

    The condition in which associated organisms are antagonistic to each other.  

  • Mottled enamel

    Discoloration and defective calcification of teeth caused by malfunctioning of ameloblasts. The defects range from minor surface irregularities to areas where no enamel forms. It may be caused by exposure to drugs (especially fluoride) during tooth formation.  

  • Enamel hypoplasia

    Incomplete formation of tooth enamel, caused by local trauma to the tooth, infections such as syphilis, exposure to fluoride during dental development, and genetic and metabolic diseases. A flaw in the tooth enamel, which may be a result of a condition known as amelogenesis imperfecta. This defect could also arise from vitamin deficiencies, physical harm,…

  • Gnarled enamel

    Enamel under the cusp of a tooth characterized by twisting, intertwining groups of enamel rods, thought to resist shearing forces.