Author: Glossary

  • End product

    The final material or substance left at the completion of a series of reactions, either chemical or physical.  

  • Endpoint

    The final objective, result, or resolution of an illness, treatment, or research protocol. The point or time at which a reaction or activity is completed.  

  • Endoureterotomy

    Endoscopic surgery to open a stricture in a ureter.  

  • Endotracheitis

    Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa.  

  • Endotoscope

    An earspeculum.  

  • Endothermy

    An elevation of the temperature of local body tissue in response to high-frequency current.  

  • Endotherm

    An organism that maintains a constant body temperature despite fluctuating environmental temperatures; the opposite of ectotherm.  

  • Endothelium-derived relaxing factor

    An active vasodilator released by the vascular endothelium. It facilitates relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and inhibition of adhesion and aggregation of platelets. When the normal function of the endothelium is disrupted by mechanical trauma, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or atherosclerosis, less EDRF is released and the inhibition of platelet aggregation is decreased. In addition, the damaged…

  • Endotheliotoxin

    A toxin that acts on endothelial capillary cells and causes bleeding.  

  • Endotheliomyxoma

    A myxoma with elements of endothelium.