Author: Glossary

  • Medical entomology

    The branch of entomology that deals with insects and their relationship to disease, especially of humans.  

  • Forensic entomology

    The use of evidence provided by insect infestations to determine the condition of cadavers, especially the time of death of a body left outdoors.  

  • Entome

    A knife for division of urethral strictures.  

  • Entocornea

    The posterior limiting membrane of the cornea.  

  • Entocone

    The inner posterior cusp of an upper molar tooth.  

  • Entochoroidea

    The inner layer of the choroid of the eye.  

  • Entochondrostosis

    The development of bone within cartilage.  

  • Enthlasis

    A depressed fracture of the skull.  

  • Enthesitis

    Inflammation at the site of attachment of bone to a tendon, ligament, or joint capsule. It is usually caused by trauma to the area. Any disease that affects the attachment of tendons or ligaments to bone. Enthesopathies can result from inflammation associated with conditions including Reiter’s syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.  

  • Enthesis

    An attachment to a bone of a tendon or ligament.