Author: Glossary

  • Hostile work environment

    Place of employment in which a reasonable person would find conditions that are abusive or intolerable. Prohibited conduct may take place repeatedly and may include physical intimidation; sexual harassment; or political, racial, religious, or sex-based discrimination.  

  • Nuclear envelope

    Two parallel membranes containing a narrow perinuclear space and enveloping the nucleus of a cell.  

  • Envelope

    A covering or container. The enclosure made of glass that encompasses the X-ray or rectifying tube. The glass envelope of the X-ray tube is typically composed of Pyrex due to its ability to withstand high temperatures.  

  • Secondary enuresis

    Enuresis in a child with no history of incontinence for a year or more.  

  • Primary enuresis

    Enuresis in which a child has never been dependably continent.  

  • Diurnal enuresis

    Urinary incontinence during the day. Its cause is usually pathological. It may be caused by muscular contractions brought about by laughing, coughing, or crying.  

  • Enucleator

    An instrument for evacuating tissue intact, such as the ocular globe.  

  • Entry

    The passage of extracellular chemicals or organisms into cells.  

  • Entropionize

    To invert or correct by turning in.  

  • Spastic entropion

    An inversion resulting from a spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscles.