Author: Glossary

  • Equation

    The state of being equal.  

  • Epstein’s pearls

    In infants, benign retention cysts resembling small pearls, which are sometimes present in the palate. They disappear in 1 to 2 months.  

  • E-prescribing

    The use of the Internet and e-mail for prescribing and acquiring medical orders for patients.  

  • Epoxy

    A general term for a polymer that contains molecules in which oxygen is attached to two different carbon atoms. These compounds are widely used as adhesives.  

  • Epoxide

    Any chemical compound that contains two carbon atoms joined to a single oxygen atom.  

  • E-portfolio

    An electronic resume on a personalized website with links to one’s personal data, philosophical perspectives, and academic, avocational, creative, and professional accomplishments.  

  • Epoophoron

    A rudimentary structure located in the mesosalpinx. Consisting of a longitudinal duct (duct of Gartner) and 10 to 15 transverse ducts, it is the remains of the upper portion of the mesonephros and is the homologue of the head of the epididymis in males.  

  • Epoch

    A measurable amount of time; e.g., the length of time used in standardized sleep studies (usually 30 sec to 1 min), or the duration of a particular geological or biological event, as indicated in earth sciences.  

  • Epley maneuver

    Canalith repositioning maneuver.  

  • Epizoon

    An animal organism living as a parasite on the exterior of the host animal.