Author: Glossary

  • Toxic erythema

    Redness of the skin or a rash resulting from toxic agents such as drugs. Erythema resulting from the toxins of diseases such as scarlet fever, German measles, rheumatic fever, and drug reactions. One notable erythema within this category is erythema marginatum, characterized by red rings or patterns in conditions like rheumatic fever, rheumatic endocarditis, and…

  • Punctate erythema

    Erythema occurring in minute points, such as scarlet fever rash.  

  • Erythema nodosum leprosum

    A red, nodular vasculitic rash, which may be a complication of the treatment for leprosy.  

  • Necrolytic migratory erythema

    The raised red scaly rash characteristic of glucagonoma.  

  • Erythema migrans

    The hallmark of acute infection with Lyme disease. EM is an expanding red rash with a sharply defined border and (typically) central clearing. The rash usually appears within 3-32 days after a tick bite. The center of the rash is the site of inoculation. The causative agent is Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete that may later…

  • Erythema marginatum

    A form of erythema multiforme in which the center of the area fades, leaving elevated edges. Erythema marginatum is marked by the sudden onset and disappearance of a pink rash, which can manifest on any part of the body excluding the face. This symptom is typically associated with rheumatic fever.  

  • Erysiphake

    A small spoon shaped device used in cataract surgery to remove the lens by suction.  

  • Erysipelotoxin

    The poisonous substance produced by Streptococcus pyogenes, the causative agent of erysipelas.  

  • Serum eruption

    An eruption that occurs following the injection of serous fluid. It may be accompanied by chills, fever, and arthritic symptoms.  

  • Seabather’s eruption

    Itching red papules that may appear on the skin within a few hours of swimming in saltwater. The rash is caused by the sting of the larval forms of the thimble jellyfish or the sea anemone. The rash is usually more prominent under swimsuits than on exposed skin because the pressure of clothing on the…